




en:razor:plugins:iospush [2015/09/15 15:22]
cobub v0.7.2
en:razor:plugins:iospush [2017/07/14 11:18]
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-~~Title:​Cobub Razor iOS Push Plugin - Mobile Apps Marketing Platform of Open Source - Mobile Analytics & Mobile Push Notification Solutions - Cobub Mobile Developer Center~~ 
-{{description>​Cobub Razor is an Open Source Mobile Analytics. IOS Push Plugin is a push plugin developed by Cobub Razor which is based on IOS.}} 
-{{keywords>​Cobub Razor,open source mobile analytics,​mobile analytics,​mobile app analytics, ios, push, plugin}} 
-====== iOS Push Plugin ====== 
-===== IOS Push Plugin is a push plugin developed by Cobub Razor which is based on IOS ===== 
-It integrates the push function of IOS and the tag function of Cobub Razor,and makes you push messages more conveniently,​quickly and accurately. 
-The open IOS platform of Apple has helped enterprises’ App push messages through low_cost Internet, provide a sound, efficient and stable service system which has solved the problem of message exchange between Internet cloud and Mobile client. 
-==== How to integrate the IOS Push Plugin of Cobub Razor ? ==== 
-Before integrating the IOS Push Plugin,​please make sure that the related table has been created in your database.Go here to download the related SQL file and import it into your database(Note:​Please modify the table prefix ‘razor_’ to the prefix which is the same with your tables prefix in your database before importing ). 
-==== FAQs ==== 
-[[http://​www.cobub.com/​users/​en/​index.php?/​help/​userkey#​n1|How authorize ​ a Cobub account?]] 
-==== 1.Register an account in Cobub User Center. ==== 
-Cobub User Center is a service platform for moblie developers, provide series of value-added services by integrating mobile application data of Cobub Razor platform ​ for the process of the product life cycle  in mobile development process.Mobile developers can find a one-stop solution for various problems in Cobub  User Center. 
-Users can not use the IOS push service unless they register as a formal user in Cobub User Center . 
-If you have not registered yet, [[http://​www.cobub.com/​users|please go to Cobub User Center and register now]]. 
-==== 2.Obtain an authorization code and get authorization ​ in authorization module of Cobub Razor. ==== 
-Authorization code is the secret key for interaction between Cobub Razor and Cobub User Center, users need to authorize it in authorization module of Cobub Razor after getting it. 
-Only an authorized account can use the rich extended function and value-added services of Cobub Razor provided by Cobub User Center. 
-[[http://​www.cobub.com/​users/​en/​index.php?/​help/​userkey|Obtain the authorization code and get authorization in authorization module of Cobub Razor.]] 
-==== 3.Register the IOS app and get an RegisterId. ==== 
-You need to fill out a BundleID while register the IOS app, then User Center will allocate a RegisterID for this app if register successfully. 
-Click on the ‘IOS information’ and you can view the registration information of current application . 
-==== 4.Upload the push certificate of IOS ==== 
-Before using the IOS push service ,user needs to upload the push certificate of IOS in the page of  ‘IOS Push Plugin’ under the ‘Plugin’ in  User Center. Only upload the correct certificate,​ push is likely to be successful. 
-==== 5.Use the IOS push service. ==== 
-Enter the home page of IOS Push Plugin in Cobub Razor, the IOS Push Plugin will read all IOS applications displayed as an app list  in current system, you can use the IOS push service ​ if the application has been registered and you have uploaded the corrent certificate of this application. 
-Enter the detailed page of push, you can select tags or none according to your own requirements,​ then fill out the content and push it. 
-==== 6.Integration Guide of SDK ==== 
-Firstly,​please download the SDK of IOS Push Plugin, download now. 
-Download the SDK and unzip it,import the SDK to your project(Note:​ The SDK can only be debugged in real phone). 
-Get the ‘deviceToken’ in ‘didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken‘ method, then execute the following code: 
-<​code>​NSString *udid = [UMSAgent getUMSUDID];​ 
-[razor_apn_plugin resisterDevice:​udid token:​tokenKey appId:​@"​60c55f3ea1a5c288edecdbe06cdff9e5"​];</​code>​ 
-Note: The appId is the ID which is obtained after when user registered the app success in IOS Push Plugin in Cobub Razor. 
-Download sample of SDK integration 
-  * Download Plugin 
-  * Download SDK 
-  * Download sample of SDK integration 
en/razor/plugins/iospush.txt · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:18 (外部编辑)