




两侧同时换到之前的修订记录 前一修订版
en:razor:plugins:start [2015/03/19 10:48]
en:razor:plugins:start [2015/09/15 15:23]
cobub v0.7.2
行 1: 行 1:
 +~~Title:​Cobub Razor Plugins - Mobile Apps Marketing Platform of Open Source - Mobile Analytics & Mobile Push Notification Solutions - Cobub Mobile Developer Center~~
 +{{description>​Cobub Razor is an Open Source Mobile Analytics. In general, before starting use plugins, you must have an account at [[http://​dev.cobub.com/​users|Cobub User Center]], where you can get authorized key from. After account bidding in Cobub Razor which installed in your server, you could work with the plugins in your Mobile App Analytics..}}
 +{{keywords>​Cobub Razor,open source mobile analytics,​mobile analytics,​mobile app analytics, plugins, 3rd party service prodiver}}
 ====== Plugins ====== ====== Plugins ======
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-^^^^ Availible ​Plugins ^^^^+^ ^ ^ ^Plugins^ ^ ^ ^
 ^Name ^Version ^Provider ^Description ^Plugin ^SDK ^Docs ^Name ^Version ^Provider ^Description ^Plugin ^SDK ^Docs
 |GeTui |0.1 [[http://​dev.cobub.com/​plugins_history-version/​|history]] |WBTECH |GeTui is a Push Solution for Android. When you active this plugin and integrated into your App, it will enable you to push message to your App Users precisely based on Cobub Tag system.| Download{{:​razor:​plugins:​plugin_getui_v0.1.zip|}} |Download {{:​razor:​plugins:​getui_sdk_v0.1.zip|}} |[[en:​razor:​plugins:​getui|GeTui Integration Manual]]| |GeTui |0.1 [[http://​dev.cobub.com/​plugins_history-version/​|history]] |WBTECH |GeTui is a Push Solution for Android. When you active this plugin and integrated into your App, it will enable you to push message to your App Users precisely based on Cobub Tag system.| Download{{:​razor:​plugins:​plugin_getui_v0.1.zip|}} |Download {{:​razor:​plugins:​getui_sdk_v0.1.zip|}} |[[en:​razor:​plugins:​getui|GeTui Integration Manual]]|
en/razor/plugins/start.txt · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:18 (外部编辑)