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en:toaster:user-menu-of-pns [2015/03/20 14:37]
cobub [Remove uid form tag-channel(unsub-tag)]
en:toaster:user-menu-of-pns [2017/07/14 11:18] (当前版本)
行 1: 行 1:
-====== User Menu of PNS ======+~~Title:​Cobub Toaster User Manual of PNS - Mobile Apps Marketing Platform of Open Source - Mobile Analytics & Mobile Push Notification Solutions - Cobub Mobile Developer Center~~ 
 +{{description>​Cobub Razor is an Open Source Mobile Analytics. The document introduces usage of PNS Web interface.Here are the concepts of user channel and tag channel, which must be clarified.}} 
 +{{keywords>​Cobub Razor,open source mobile analytics,​mobile analytics,​mobile app analytics, pns, user manual}} 
 +====== User Manual ​of PNS ======
 The document introduces usage of PNS Web interface. The document introduces usage of PNS Web interface.
行 211: 行 215:
   * 500 internal server error (usually related with redis )   * 500 internal server error (usually related with redis )
 ===== Push task query (message) ===== ===== Push task query (message) =====
 +METHOD_NAME:​ message
 +        "​mid":​ "​489c4466de66000" ​         ​
 +Returns format:
 +        {
 +             "​status":"​200"​
 +             "​489c4466de66000": ​
 +               {
 +                    "​content":"​hello world!", ​       ​
 +                    "​expire":"​1404378620",​
 +                    "​readCount":"​0",​
 +                    "​recvdCount":"​0",​
 +                    "​startTime":"​1403407632",​
 +                    "​totalCount":"​2",​
 +                    "​appid":​ "​XXX"​
 +                }
 +        }
 +Returns description:​
 +  * status: the results of interface query, 200 is OK
 +  * content: notification content
 +  * expire: message expiration timestamp
 +  * readCount: count of being clicked (read) by users
 +  * recvCount: count of being received by users
 +  * startTime: time of push
 +  * totalCount: total count
 +  * 489c4466de66000:​ push task it
 +  * appid: appid of the push task
 ===== User channel query (userchannel) ===== ===== User channel query (userchannel) =====
 +METHOD_NAME:​ userchannel
 +            "​channel":​ "​xxx@qq.com",​
 +            "​channel":​ "​xxxx@gmail.com" ​
 +     {
 +         "​status":​ "​200",​
 +         "​xxx@qq.com":​ 1, //this uid is online
 +         "​xxxx@gmail.com":​ 0 //this uid is offline
 +      }
 ===== Tag channel query (tagchannel) ===== ===== Tag channel query (tagchannel) =====
 +METHOD_NAME:​ tagchannel
 +            "​channel":​ "​location:​Beijing",​
 +            "​channel":​ "​location:​Guangzhou"​
 +Return :
 +     {
 +         "​status":​ "​200",​
 +         "​location:​Beijing":​ 456, //there are 456 people under TAG "​location:​Beijing"​ currently, including online and offline
 +         "​location:​Guangzhou":​ 23 //there are 23 people under TAG "​location:​Guangzhou"​ currently, including online and offline
 +      }
 ===== APP query(app-size) ===== ===== APP query(app-size) =====
 +METHOD_NAME:​ app-size
 +            "​online":​ 1,
 +            "​appid":​ "​xxx",​
 +            "​appid":​ "​yyy" ​
 +online: 1 indicates to query online user count, 0 for the total count including offline
 +appid: can provide multiple appid to query
 +Return format:
 +    {
 +         "​status":​ "​200",​
 +         "​xxx":​ 1234, //app which appid is xxx online (or total) user number is 1234 currently
 +         "​yyy":​ 567 //app which appid is yyy online (or total) user number is 567 currently
 +      }
 +The returned number indicates count of devices, and the meaning depends on the “online” value of the method.
en/toaster/user-menu-of-pns.1426833472.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:12 (外部编辑)