

This document is valid for Version 0.7 of Cobub Razor.

Upgrade Instruction (v0.4 to v0.5)

When you are ready to upgrade Cobub Razor from version 0.4 to version 0.5, following steps is required:

Step one: download the code of V0.5

  1. Download the code of version 0.5 from https://github.com/cobub/razor/releases , and you can get the razor-0.5.zip, unzip it to get razor-0.5 folder, which contains the sdk and web folders.
  2. Copy the web folder to the directory of your web site where you are ready to upgrade Cobub Razor (Note: web can not be the same name with Cobub Razor’s name of V0.4 ). To facilitate debugging, you can rename “web” to “razor_v5“, and set the $ config ['base_url'] value to the ‘http://yoururl/razor_v5 ‘ in config.php which is under the application folder .
  3. Copy the autoload.php、database.php and routes.php of V0.4 under the directory of application\config\ to the diretory of application\config\ of V0.5, override these three files of V0.5.

Step two: modify the script files of database and data warehouse

Here, assume that your database is razor and data warehouse is razordw, and umsinstall_ is the table prefix of them.

1、Modify database

1.1 Add tables

property name property value index
id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENTprimary key
user_id int(11) NOT NULL
product_id int(11) NOT NULL


CREATE TABLE razor.umsinstall_user2product(id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,user_id INT(11) NOT NULL,product_id INT(11) NOT NULL);

1.2 Modify tables

1) clientdata
property name property value changes
serviceversion varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
name varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
version varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
platform varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
osversion varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
osaddtional varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
language varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
resolution varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
ismobiledevice varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
devicename varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
deviceid varchar(200) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
defaultbrowser varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
javasupport varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
flashversion varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
modulename varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
imei varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
imsi varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
havegps varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
havebt varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
havewifi varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
havegravity varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
wifimac varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
latitude varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
longtitude varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
service_supplier varchar(64) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
country varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
region varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
city varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
street varchar(500) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
streetno varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL
postcode varchar(50) NOT NULL→ DEFAULT NULL

add: property name: useridentifier,

property value:varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL。

sql :

Modify the property of `serviceversion`(other columns are similar):

ALTER TABLE `razor.umsinstall_clientdata` CHANGE `serviceversion` `serviceversion` VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL;


property name: sessionkey ,

property value: varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL。

sql :

ALTER TABLE `razor.umsinstall_users` ADD COLUMN `sessionkey ` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL;

3)Change the data of user_permissions

step one:clear the data of table user_permissions in database

sql :

TRUNCATE TABLE 'razor.umsinstall_user_permissions';

step two: import data of v0.5

Here we provide a SQL script, which is the pre-insert data of user_permissions of V0.5 , click on the user_permissionsv0.5 file behind Step six (Annex 1) ,download it to the local.

Unzip it and change the name of database(razor) to your own database name(v0.4), and the table prefix(umsinstall_ ) to your own database table prefix(v0.4) in SQL script.

2、Modify data warehose

2.1 Modify tables

1) fact_clientdata


property name: useridentifier,

property value: varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL

sql :

ALTER TABLE `razordw.umsinstall_fact_clientdata` ADD COLUMN `useridentifier` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL;

2.2 Modify the stored procedures

Stored procedures: rundim and runfact.


1)Copy the related sqls of rundim and runfact stored procedures in datawarestore.sql under the directory of assets\sql of v0.5, respectively. Store them and rename rumdim.sql and runfact.sql.

2)Modify the table prefix (Cobub Razor ‘s default table prefix is umsinstall_)

Modify the umsinstall_ in rundim.sql and runfact.sql above to your own data warehouse’s table prefix, for example,your data warehouse table prefix “razordw_”;

Replace the “databaseprefix.umsdatainstall_” to “database.database’s table prefix”, for example, your database is cobubrazor,and database’s table prefix is razor_,the “databaseprefix.umsdatainstall_” should be “cobubrazor.razor_“.

Step three: stop inserting data to database and pause the stored procedures.

Note: you need to have prepared all the relevant SQL scripts(i.e. all sql scripts in Step two).

Step four: delete the stored procedures (rundim and runfact) in data warehouse.

Step five: execute the SQL scripts generated in Step two.

Note: Please backup the data of your database and data warehouse before you execute the sql scripts.

Step six:restart the database and data warehouse.

Before this step, you need to do the last thing :

Backup the directory of the previous web site(e.g web,which is the root directory of version 0.4),store it in a suitable place and named web-backup0.4, then delete web.

Change”razor_v5” to “web”(the name of V0.4),and set $config['base_url']= ‘http://yoururl/web’ in config.php.

Annex 1: user_permissionsv0.5

en/razor/upgrade-instruction-v0-4-to-v0-5.txt · 最后更改: 2017/07/14 11:18 (外部编辑)