Easy to get the user portrait, Cobub Cloud officially released - Cobub
Easy to get the user portrait, Cobub Cloud officially released

Easy to get the user portrait, Cobub Cloud officially released

8 years ago 3 16718

Today we are very honored to publish the Cobub Cloud. Cobub Cloud is the original open source mobile analysis system Cobub Razor cloud service version of the system, will be free to provide services to mobile developers.

Compared with other APP analysis tools, Cobub Cloud has the following advantages:

Cobub Cloud compared to other similar products added a user portrait module

User portrait module will become an important basis for the scene of the fine operation. First Cobub Cloud provides a number of basic tags such as location, version, channel, etc., followed by APP developers can use API for their users to play the right business tag. APP developers in the subsequent operational activities can be based on these business tags to provide their users with the most appropriate services, and continue to optimize their APP operations. Give a specific example: a business app to maternal and child products bought in the Beijing area user provides a special preferential activities, so in the Cobub cloud, can direct screening with “Beijing” and “buy maternal and child products” tab of the user, and the user, push send or SMS marketing activities.


Cobub Cloud to achieve the release of the user event to achieve multi-dimensional analysis

Can be of arbitrary combination, and carries on the analysis of combination of events; followed on event flow funnel analysis, divided into page access funnel, funnel custom combinations of events, event Click Stream of the funnel; the function can meet operators for different customer churn analysis demand.


Cobub Cloud also improves the stability analysis for mobile products

System can intelligently merge with the same type of errors, greatly improving the efficiency of the product R & D personnel to repair BUG. From a practical point of view, the use of App products Cobub can reduce the number of daily errors in the short term, shorten the time to repair the wrong time, very good to enhance the user experience.


System open source and in the industry has a good reputation of the West Bridge technology through the introduction of Cobub Cloud, APP developers and companies expect to allow more simple and convenient data operations, focusing on the development of the core business of the product.

Cobub razor only global dominated by Chinese open-source statistical analysis system, after several years of development has support, Britain, Germany and Japan in four languages, users around the world more than 5000 app makers, the full support of the mainstream mobile platforms such as IOS, Android and windows phone.


Since the initial version of the Cobub razor in July 2012 officially released, customers Cobub covering financial, business, operators, airlines and other industries, such as Minsheng Bank, industrial bank, Bank of Jiangsu, China Telecom, China UnionPay, Aviation Association, China car well-known enterprises.


Immediately use:http://cloud.cobub.com

View Demo:http://cloud.cobub.com/demo.html


Sender name:Cobub Open Source APP analysis(service-cloud@cobub.com)

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