Failed to install Cobub Razor using installation wizard? Check it out here! - Cobub
Failed to install Cobub Razor using installation wizard? Check it out here!

Failed to install Cobub Razor using installation wizard? Check it out here!

11 years ago 0 0 5712

We got many support requests for the installation, with different problems, typically like the following:

  • Could not select the languages in the wizard
  • Could not pass the access rights check in the wizard
  • Some errors when execute the sql scripts

From current feedback, these problems are mainly caused by the privilege of the server setting. We are sorry about the problems during the installation, and we will improve some code for that. But now, you can install Cobub Razor manually, check it out here! How to install Cobub Razor manually?

BTW, we also got some support requests via different approach, like twitter, Facebook, Weibo, emails, telephone, website and github. But really we are in short of man power to handle all the requests. So, we decided that:

  • We provide the free support only in github and email list
  • We won’t provide support in the others approaches.
  • If you want us to support quickly, please contact us and we will charge the support at the rate of $50/hour.
Thanks for all the people who is supporting us continuously especially for the cool guys in the community

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